Is there a link between psychic powers, which are known, to a degree, and other unexplained events, which are, on the whole, a total mystery? Are the unexplained events a side effect of a psychic collective unconscious?

It is possible that the majority of ghosts, monsters, alien space craft and extra-terrestrials are physical or illusionary constructs of the collective unconscious which are made real by the latent psychic abilities we all possess.

The psychologists and sceptics explanation of ghostly hauntings and other unexplained phenomena could actually be closer to truth than what the spiritualists believe; this is because believers are so ready to witness these things that it makes the sightings unreliable because of unconscious psychic abilities we all possess.

The answers to the aforementioned phenomena are not always as clears as the believers or the sceptics assume. The real answer may lay in something called the psychic collective unconscious.

If someone communicates with a ghost, they may hear noises or they might be using a device such as an Ouija board. A person can subconsciously move the Ouija pointer themselves. A believer may ask, “How could I have known this without the help of spirits?” This is where the psychic collective unconscious comes in.

The psychic collective unconscious brings together the universal thoughts about the unexplained and the unknown, known as Archetypes, in Jungian psychology, with an intense collective psychic force, which in certain unknown circumstances can conjure up a UFO, a monster, a spirit, or ghostly behavior. With this, paired with psychically accessed knowledge, our unconscious minds can fill in the gaps. Any information can be accessed psychically and unconsciously.

Why is it that the people who are willing to believe, consciously or not, are the ones who witness ghostly behaviour and alien space craft the most? Believers frequently create or see illusionary constructs.

Illusionary and physical constructs happen because of a group bond, or collective unconscious, of psychic powers, which can actually psychically physically create the vast majority of alien sightings and ghostly behavior.

This does not mean that all the sightings and experiences are mind created illusions, but the real paranormal and supernatural events are overwhelmed by the illusions, which are just as real to the observer as the real event would be.

There is vastly more and more actual scientific evidence to support psychic powers and still little to validate the existence of aliens visiting this planet and the un-dead world of ghosts and spirits.

There have been no laboratory affirmations of ghosts, aliens, and monster sightings. Sometimes it is not possible to perform any experiments on these phenomena.

Psychic powers have been tested by scientists in laboratory conditions and have been seriously researched by governments for possible strategic use. Psychic powers have been demonstrated in the laboratory on several occasions. The most famous cases are of Uri Geller and the MK ultra experiments. In the case of Uri Geller, he was said to have been meticulously tested by authentic scientists to discover his tricks, but the researchers could not discover how he was doing his feats of ‘mind power’.

Scientists have accepted that psychic powers do exist, in some form or another. Researchers, who have had the people possessing such powers tested and experimented on in laboratory conditions, have found many scientific oddities. Many scientists would admit that there is something that still needs to be explained about ESP.

Aliens are an enigma because they have never been satisfactorily tested. There is no proof for the mystery of aliens or of their flying craft; there is plenty of evidence but there is no proof. Ghost, spirit activity, and sightings of things like the Loch Ness monster and Big Foot are also lacking proof.

In science, a thing is only proved to be fact when it cannot be disproved by experimental analysis.

What psychic powers are, exactly, is in dispute, but from the beginning of recorded history, and before, man has in some form or another used psychic powers and mystical energies to look into the spirit world, communicate with others over a long distance and see things in time and space. Man has also seen ghostly figures, witnessed monsters, and looked on as strange objects soared across the skies.

The collective unconscious is defined by Carl G. Jung as a part of the psyche that does not come from personal acquisition but is from heredity (1). The collective unconscious is made up of archetypes; these archetypes are recurring symbols, which are the same for all humans. Spirits, unidentified flying objects, and monsters of all description are archetypes, because these are symbols that have all been frequent throughout our history.

Psychic collective unconscious is like the Jungian collective unconscious but with the added power of the latent psychic powers of each individual which is coalesced into the whole world’s humanity. This great collected power is, theoretically, able to summon the archetypes into illusionary, and sometimes, physical images. This is another possible explanation of how sightings occur.

Psychic powers, which are always with us, are mostly active from our unconscious minds, and are not just capable of communicating with other minds, looking into the future, seeing other places and events over long distances, but the psychic mind also has the capability to create physical things and visual illusions.

Psychic photography is when a mind affects what a pre-developed film or photograph will show regardless of what the camera took a picture of, this happens both consciously and unconsciously.

Professional mediums and psychics can manifest objects. Mediums sometimes produce ectoplasm during their communication with spirits. There are also some people who have been known to make things appear from thin air, the most famous example is what Jesus did in the bible. Some children can unconsciously create poltergeist activity.

In the film ‘Sphere’ the three main characters have the ability to conjure up anything from their minds after entering a mysterious alien sphere. The characters unconsciously, and without control, create their worst fears. The real psychic constructs or physical illusions are made in a similar way. Our collective archetypes are the real world version of the alien sphere.

It is our human psychology which creates images of our own fears and hopes in our dreams. Is it so hard to believe that we could all be doing the same in the waking world?

The evidence fits. We do have a thing known as psychic power; we do have collective symbols and ideas, and individual professional psychics can create physical or visual things.

(c) Mark A. West

(1) The Archetypes and the collective unconscious—C. G. Jung.

Dreaming Dimensions

In dreams and in fiction we experience ‘other realities’ and in theoretical physics ‘other realities’ is a possibility that is taken seriously by many physicists. There are many things that are unknown about dreams and sleep. Dreams are obviously some sort of message but no-one is sure who or what is sending them or why they are being sent. Maybe they come from ‘other realities’.

The most important part of your life, sleep, is allowing you to close a thin door on reality and peer through a glass door to another one. At the same time your brain and body recovers more in the sleeping hours than in the waking hours.

An average adult sleeps for about seven hours twenty minutes; some people may sleep for a longer or shorter period. Older people need less sleep as do females, introverts, and thinner people. Those who sleep the most are the young, males, the overweight and extroverts. Even if you slept as long as you could you would have few or no side-effects.

Sleep is divided into two categories which are REM (rapid eye movement) and stages of non-REM. Dreams occur in REM sleep as this is when the brain is the most active, sometimes more than when you are awake. We may also dream in non-REM as there still is plenty of activity in the brain. It may be a question of what dream types we have in these different stages.

Adults are asleep for about a third of each 24 hour period, while babies sleep for two thirds of a day, which is mostly spent in REM dream sleep. Sleep plays a significant role in brain development. When you reach the age of 75 you have dreamt for at least 10 years of the total 25 years you have spent sleeping.

Sleep and wakefulness are regulated by parts of the brain. When dreaming we all give off electrical wave pulses and motions from our scalps as well as other complex brain wave patterns too in the different stages of sleep. These electrical waves are not fully understood. Like most things to do with sleep there are a lot of theories and few facts.

The question, ‘Why do we sleep?’ has baffled scientists for centuries. No one really knows for sure. Some scientists believe we sleep so the mind can organise its memory, but that is only one explanation for a very complicated process, this and more explanations are needed.

There are some scientists who are convinced that there is a solely biological reason for sleep. A lot of these scientists used to believe that we slept to gain energy, but only small amounts of energy are gained from sleeping. But the energy gained by sleeping may be a different type than from eating food or resting. It could be that we sleep for an entirely different reason.

It could be said, ‘We sleep so we can dream.’ Everyone has dreams even if they don’t remember. No one can claim to know what all dreams are, how and why they work the way they do or where they all come from. There are plenty of theories, some of which have been tested, these include that dreams:
  • are messages from figures in religion such as god
  • are experiences from a past life
  • are psychic in nature and could be prophetic or connected to people, living or dead
  • reflect our spirituality
  • are influenced by the physical body
  • can be influenced by outside stimuli like sounds, light and electrical waves
  • are letting the subconscious work and fantasise
  • have some other sort of psychological reason – there are many.

Some of the above have plenty of evidence to support them. The conscious and subconscious mind does need to sort itself out every day. Pent-up desires and anxieties do come into dreams. What the body feels does also have an effect on your dreams and the psychological explanation comes into some parts of dreams.

In dreams we have social freedom, religious freedom, freedom from time and freedom from known physics.

“Dreams are like mirrors, they reflect everything we are and everything we have been through. If we could fully understand this linking pattern, we would discover not only the secret of dreaming but the secret of life itself.” (1)

During sleep our awareness is far more acute than when awake. Can we still hear when asleep or is this awareness from a sixth sense or even a seventh? The fact that dreams can be influenced by our surroundings, even if only a little is accepted and has been demonstrated in a laboratory, but scientists do not know for sure how or why this happens. We are more open to external stimuli when sleeping such as noises, presence of others, lights and electrical waves. This shows that our brains are still receptive. We can receive some real, recordable signals when we are asleep. Our brain could receive unknown signals, messages and vibrations from another quantum reality without us knowing.

Dreams could be the mental interpretation of signals from another reality, messages in time and space. Everything is made up out of tiny vibrating strings, according to theoretical physics. The vibrations of these Superstrings vibrate and make all the matter at the quantum level. These Superstrings exist in 10 dimensions of space, so they would be vibrating in every alternate version of this universe and other universes.

It is surprising how seriously many physicists are taking the possibility of parallel universes. These physicists believe the ‘Multiverse’ or ‘Alternate realities’ in which there are many universes spinning off from this reality. This is a very real scientific possibility, which fits with mathematical models; it is not just science fiction. These alternate realities would be infinite in number and anything imaginable can be happening in them. Anything can also happen in dreams.

Max Tegmark, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania said that the concept of the Multiverse “Is tested in well tested theories such as relativity and quantum mechanics.” He continued, “The key question is not whether the Multiverse exists, but rather how many levels it has.” (2) By ‘levels’ he means different types of alternate realities.

Michio Kaku, an acclaimed physicist and professor of theoretical physics at the City College of New York said, “Our universe could be one bubble floating in an ocean of bubbles.” (3) Not all the ‘bubbles’ would be the same size and shape or made from the same ‘liquid’.

If other realities really do exist then they are sure to have some effect on our own reality. We already know that some of the smallest things on the planet can eventually affect everything else, even if it is only on a small scale. Think of cross-contamination of chicken in a kitchen. The tiny particles of the chicken could eventually be everywhere in the kitchen. Similarly alternate realities would eventually contaminate all the other realities; they would do this from the vibrations of string.

There could be so many realities that each may be very different or very similar to our own, in fact fictional worlds could really exist as well. We live in a world where everything is governed by known physics and logic, but we dream in a place which is governed by nothing but our mind, anything can happen.

During sleep our scalp gives off waves such as Alpha, Beta and Delta. If we can send these wave patterns and we are easily influenced in our dreaming state by known outside influences, then we could also be receiving similar wave patterns in the form of vibrations of the superstring from other realities.

Using logic it could be said, ‘In some alternate worlds, inter dimensional travel is possible. This world is one of those infinite worlds the travellers could visit, hence making parallel universes fact and making it possible to travel to parallel universes from this one. Beings from fictional scenarios are likely to be visiting our reality right now. If they could visit they could also communicate and our sensitive sleeping brain picks up these communications then turns them into our dreams.’ So the question may be; what comes first, the dream of a strange place, thus making us the creators of realities, or the real place which somehow influences us?

Every time you do something the number of realities would double and every time you create or imagine a world one is created. Dreams are significant in creation myths from around the world.

What we dream is really happening in alternate versions of reality. The yet not fully understood sciences of theoretical physics, sleep and dreams will one day show that parallel realities exist and will show that they interact with our sleeping minds.

So when you’re in the arms of Morpheus the Greek god of dreams and sleep, ask him if he is telling you truths or fictions.

(c) Mark A. West


Stephen Hawking: Brief History of Time.
Stephen Hawking: The Universes in a Nutshell.
William C. Dement: The Promise of Sleep.
Andy Baggott: Dream Power.
Jacob Empson: Sleep and Dreaming.
Todd F. Eklof: Parallel Universes at
BBC: Parallel Universes at
BBC: What is Sleep? at

(1) Jacob Empson: Sleep and Dreaming.
(2) BBC Two: Horizon, Parallel Universes. February 2002.


Your First Christmas.

You live in the moment, as you should always do.
Allow me to savour each, and every moment with you.
What you will be thinking; I haven't a clue.
But one thing is for sure, I will always be there for you.

Day, Dreams.

Until you go to bed at night,
your day will be full
of a special delight.
And when you are dreaming
wondering what is new.
Your daddy will making sure your dreams come true.


Water is truly wonderful stuff. Our bodies are about 60% water and our brains are over 70%. The earth's surface has about 70% covering it. The stuff is everywhere and everyone needs it. These are known facts and easy to find.

Water is also reputed to have memory and water can change depending on thought. Dr Emoto Masaru claims that if human thoughts are directed at water before it is frozen a change will take place which can be photgraphed.

The pictures below are from the Masaru Emoto's website.The pictures are linked to words, music or feelings. Truly wonderful if it is all true. I hope it is because if thoughts can do that to water imagine what it can do to us and what our collective thoughts can do to our planet.

If this research proves true it can shed some light on how homoeopathy works. Scientists have yet to explain how extremely diluted substances in water can effect the human body beyond a placebo effect. If water does have memory in the way showed by Dr Emoto Masaru then water and thoughts can have a significant effect.

Thank you!

Heavy metal music.
Peace and love.
I hate you! I want to Kill you!


In a recent issue of BBC Focus magazine there was a list of five best alarm clocks. I found the Zeo Personal Sleep Coach to be the most interesting although very expensive for an alarm clock. I don't usually have a problem with waking up in the morning, but I am enthralled with anything to do with sleep and dreaming.

The gadget is not just an alarm clock. It wakes you up during a shallow sleep state to make your wake-up seem as natural as possible. The best thing about this device is it can track your sleep which you can then upload to your computer to view and the alarm clock comes with a coaching system on-line to help you sleep better. This information about your own personal sleep can be fascinating if you are as obsessed with the science and mysteries of sleep like I am.